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Zerobody dry floating experience

They relax in 400 liters of warm water without getting wet

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  • Hotels

  • Companies

  • Gyms

  • Meditation / Wellness centers

  • Beauty centers

  • Households



  • Patented system that lets you float in a state of weightlessness suspended over 400 liters of warm water

  • Comfortable to use in different spaces, the user does not need a shower

  • Audio system with guides for meditation or music

  • Color therapy

  • Optional lumbar massage using internal water jets

  • Adjustable water temperature

  • Multiple options of colors and textures for a perfect combination

This product designed to regenerate body and mind by combining the sensation of weightlessness with an audio system.

It disconnects the central nervous system from any external stimulus, leaving the mind free to guide it where it is sought, keeping the body in a state of relaxation and regeneration.



  • Patented system that lets you float in a state of weightlessness suspended over 400 liters of warm water

  • Comfortable to use in different spaces, the user does not need a shower

  • Audio system with guides for meditation or music

  • Color therapy

  • Optional lumbar massage using internal water jets

  • Adjustable water temperature

  • Multiple options of colors and textures for a perfect combination

International sale of floating beds


Time: programmable at the user's choice

Start: Hydraulic control which helps to enter the floating bed 

End: Returns to original position to facilitate exit

Color: Activates a selected color

Massage: Activates internal water flows that gently massage the lumbar area

Temperature: Regulates the water temperature


Patented membrane: Allows the feeling of weightlessness without immerging in water

Audio: 6 audio guides and 6 songs to promote relaxation

Headphones: Connected to the audio system

Tablet: Built-in touch screen

Marketing materials: Excellent quality for business promotion

Accessories: Anti-algae solution and disposable sheets

Warranty: One year for commercial use, two years for private use


Lights - Lumbar massage - Mirror effect steel base - Sound isolation headphones - XL model: 25 cm longer


Floating is a method of regenerating the body and mind. Its benefits influence many aspects of daily life, from the treatment of insomnia to chronic pain, from cognitive improvement to recovery after a sports injury.


While floating, specific areas of the brain are activated, stimulating an opposite psychological response to stress, with an increase in mental capacities. Meanwhile, the absence of contact points has positive effects on the body.


Vents of beds to relax and float


Calms pain in muscles and joints

Relaxes spine tensions

Improves circulation

Accelerates muscle recovery


Fight stress and anxiety

Improves mood

Reduces insomnia and increases the quality of sleep

Helps concentration and focus

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Zerobody for private use in homes
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